Running a restaurant is a difficult task. You need to make sure you have chosen the right location. You also need to make sure you’ve designed a winning menu. And on top of all that, you need to ensure you have the right processes in… read more

Benefits of B2B Social Media Marketing
For a long time, social media marketing was reserved for B2C companies to create friendly personas for their brands to humor customers and was deemed too impersonal for B2B companies with no real added benefits. This simply isn’t the case anymore. Each day, more and… read more

5-Step Guide to Using SEO for B2B Software Lead Generation
B2B software lead generation is difficult, despite it being one of the most important tasks. When turning a prospect into a sales lead, you normally have to involve different parts of the company. Typically, the lead begins with marketing, moves onto the sales team and… read more

Your Winning Sales Funnel: Marketing Automation + CRM
Your sales funnel is the predetermined journey people take to become your customer. Creating a winning sales funnel will vary industry to industry and within that, business to business. But regardless of that, there are software solutions you can use to greatly improve the way… read more