The SME business funding scene is changing rapidly. Long gone are the days of waiting for a loan from your local bank branch. James Sinclair from Trade Finance Global has identified three trends in the SME finance scene over the past 12 months, which you can… read more

Manage your Workforce with PARiM Software
What do hospitals, toy factories and hotels have in common? This is not the start of a bad joke but an introduction to a useful management tool. The answer is: they all involve numerous staff, different rotas, and a generous collection of needs. Parim is… read more

London & Berlin Rise in Startup Ecosystem Ranking
These two European cities have made their way to the top ten in the 2015 Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking. 3 years after releasing their last report, Compass – a San Francisco-based company that provides reporting and benchmarking software to startups around the world, has launched… read more

7 Designers from Across the World Reveal their Favorite Web Tools
As a London-based startup helping other startups and SMEs find and compare online tools, some of our most engaged users are designers – ‘Design and Multimedia’ being one of the popular categories in our platform. We wanted to identify which web apps are currently being… read more