We all know that location is important when buying a house – the mantra “location, location, location” is known to basically everyone, but how important is location when starting a cloud service or software business? To understand this question Crozdesk’s research team crunched some serious… read more

Top 25 SaaS and Cloud Startup Ecosystems
The following is an excerpt of findings from the SaaS and Cloud Startup Report 2018 published by Crozdesk. The Crozdesk team analyzed some 20k SaaS, software and cloud companies operating in 2017 to determine the size, funding and relative growth speed of startups and established… read more

What Quantum Computing Is And Why It’s The Future [INFOGRAPHIC]
Quantum computing is a hot topic these days with new breakthroughs being announced constantly. However, despite its growing importance and potential to solve a wide range of problems humanity faces today, most people know very little about it. Everything you learned about Physics in high… read more

What Brexit would mean for the London startup ecosystem
In recent years London has established itself as the little disputed No 1 of startup ecosystems in Europe. While other European cities are steadily on the rise in the rankings, the international melting pot of talent with established business sectors ripe for disruption has kept… read more

Startup Productivity Tools – How Crozdesk Uses 18 Web Apps to Supercharge Productivity
Stereotypes exist for a reason. While we sometimes like to deny their validity categorically, most of them do have some kind of merit. Growing up in Germany learning how to be a productive member of society was a big part of my upbringing. However, on… read more